• A plea to Microsoft: Keep Cloud definitions true

    After sitting through the MMS keynote slide-deck twice, I finally couldn’t hold my tongue any longer.

    On one key ‘educational’ slide, the speaker informs the audience what the definition of Cloud Delivery is. He mentions four of the many tenets from the widely accepted United States NIST definition.

    He then fails to reference said source, fails to state the existence of other requirements (such as automation, and most tellingly charge-back/usage metering with cost association)

    Now, I appreciate that an icon for ‘usage based’ is presented, but that’s so fluffy as to lack any meaning.

    Could that be that because no native charge-back calculation tools are included in the SC suite (please approach a partner), but a reasonably cool one exists in a vCompetitor’s ‘Cloud’ product?

    Vendor X – I beg you: please don’t rewrite definitions to make your product tick all the boxes. All you’re doing is crudely tampering with the proverbial ‘form’, and you’re fooling no-one. Especially sad when you’re making such fantastic products!

  • Cloning an existing Security Group using Active Directory Powershell

    Yesterday I came across a recurring scenario where a distribution group existed for a user set, but no security group. As we needed a security group for publishing an application to this user-set via our App-V management servers, I was driven to develop a quick AD single PoSH single liner (not single pipeline, sadly). It copies all the user object members of one group into another. Here it is!

    $userstoclone = Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like “Source Group”} | Get-ADGroupMember | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq “user”};ForEach ($user in $userstoclone){Add-ADGroupMember –Identity (Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like “Target Group”}) -Members $user}

    It wouldn’t take a world of imagination to change the filters so it could copy computer objects, group objects, recurse somewhat deeper etc.
